
Axiom Engineers: Commissioning


This project facility is a building with offices, lounges, cafes, kitchen, classrooms, meeting room, bookstore, and toilet rooms. The ventilation systems are hydronic heated ducted air handler units and exhaust fans. The kitchen is served by two exhaust hoods and a hydronic heated ducted make-up air unit. The dedicated server room space temperature is controlled through a fully separate cooling air conditioning system.

Exhaust fans are used in the restrooms. Pumps circulate heating hot water from main plant loop throughout building. Numerous issues were discovered and resolved due to the commissioning services that ensured occupant comfort and safety. Adequate and efficient air delivery was verified as part of the air balance verification which resulted in several system adjustments.

The heating coils were also verified against the initial water balance report to ensure adequate heating capacities. All of the systems are controlled though a building management system.

Monterey Peninsula College

Monterey Peninsula College

Merit Award

Project Summary

• 26,770 sq. ft.
• 12 roof mounted hydronic air handler units
• 2 exhaust fans
• 2 kitchen hood exhaust fans
• 1 roof mounted hydronic make-up air unit
• 1 split system air conditioner for data room
• 2 heating hot water pumps
• Building Management System

Project Accomplishments

• Verified correct air and water flows with the Test and Balance Agency
• Found and corrected numerous issues in control sequences with air handlers

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